Sunday 1 January 2023

Resolution / Reboot

Hello World 

I used to blog fairly frequently, but due to a number of issues I started to lag and then there was an issue with my self-hosted blog where I ended up losing everything. C'est la vie.

Back At It

I'm motivated to get back into blogging again for a number of reasons:
  • I started reading blogs again, my jumping off point being Stephen Downes OLDaily.
    • Through that reading, I was seeing a number of the folks dusting off blogs that had been neglected - there was a desire to have the deeper conversations that are possible in the comments section of a blog.
  • ChatGTP - like so many people I was fascinated with the release of ChatGTP and the implications for education. There are so many interested conversation and things to unpack.
  • Mastodon - I've had a Twitter account for quite some time (@clthompson), but haven't actively tweeted for a long time. I was curious about Mastodon so over the break I set up an account (I'm As I've gradually found more and more people to follow I'm discovering great conversations. I'm hoping that blogging will help me work through the ideas I'm reading about.
My goal is to post a couple of times a week. We'll see how it goes!